domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

All the tattos of Zayn Mali (okey not all but some of them xD)

Zayn Malik (@ zaynmalik) got a new tattoo. The One Direction singer adds the face of a wolf to his collection. A few days ago we talked about the measures almost perfect Zayn British group and also to prepare themselves physically for the upcoming tour, likes tattoo.

We review all of the bad boy tatoos Bradford.

The Yin Yang (left wrist), named after his grandfather died "Walter" in Arabic (chest), ZAP!, Stereo radio and the number "165616"? (sorted correctly is the number that gave the group to participate in Factor X) in the right arm.
A Chinese character (right hip) that means good luck but capped with a black heart a silver fern (neck), the phrase "Be true to who you are" in Arabic (collarbone).
"MSG March 12, 12? (The concert at Madison Square Garden on December 3, 2012) on the right arm, the word" Chillin 'in the neck
A skull, a bandanna and a microphone to size in the right arm, a letter with a crown in the middle and the letters "ZM" on his torso.
One swallow (right), a skull smoking (right shoulder), a puzzle piece and crossed fingers on his right arm, red lips with wings (chest) and the word "FRIDAY" (right clavicle)
And the new tenant, the face of a wolf.
Zayn you really going to end like lil way xD hahahaha i wish it never happend D':

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

We have been deceived!!!! D:

One Direction video is recording what will be her new single, and for this, the boys occupy about double.

According to the newspaper "Daily Mail" doubles Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson will be needed for shooting back and hair, and thus no risk interpreters.

The doubles were in the studio and what they hoped the members of One Direction were entertained taking pictures.

osea que!!! D: bueno, al menos ya sabemos que no son los de verdad D': esta triste realidad. Ademas nose parecen en nada de lo que puedo ver....pfff.....obvio para nuestros chicos no hay dobles ellos son PUURRFECT! like miminos :'3

Lets Remenber Old Times :D

One Direction bit comply within three years together as a group and opened the memory lane to see how they were before.No waste! On this day, a year ago we could see the guys reliving one of his concerts on TV, when browsing internet. When not in concert, these guys are no longer young stars to become normal.
Or even what was the profession he had chosen Liam Payne, if he had not become a singer.Nothing more and nothing less than a pilot! Or meaybe Firefighter!!!
We also wanted to remember one of his first video, with which they began to succeed. and their first song together!! :'D
The guys of One Direction are still the same front and behind the camera, with their hopes and dreams, and that's what makes them one of the most incredible group music scene. We hope that the successes will continue to accompany.
The directioner (CrazyMofos) worship of them was that we fell in love with the "best band of all time" (well maybe if) but fell in love with the boys of the stairs, remember those good times when one direction was just starting. : D
Awesome times :'3 i can not believe it !!!!! i'm so proud of they

A Little secret video!! :D

One Direction do not stop and are prepared to give their best in the new video clip that are currently recording in Miami.
One Direction would not reveal any details about their new video leaked nor any image of it. I have kept and guarded for when the time is right to do so. Although some say it is a commercial for her perfume 'Our Momment'.

HOOOOO i'm so exited :'D i can't wait for that video :D

martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Harry sexy styles and niall new shakira wooww!

One Direction va a por todas, no para y siempre generan información cada día que pasa y hoy, por supuesto, no es una excepción. Los chicos de la banda andan metidos en plena gira pero siempre encuentran hueco para deleitar a sus seguidores y seguidoras con fotografías, noticias y anécdotas que sin duda contribuyen a hacer más numerosa la familia de directioners alrededor de todo el planeta. One Direction están entregados a su público y consideran que su actividad debe de encontrar en ellos la primer causa de orgullo.
One Direction, como decíamos, no para de protagonizar acontcimientos y en los últimos días nos han dejado una amplia lisa de los mismos, a cual más curioso. Ahora es Méxio el país que está disfrutando de ellos en su total plenitud.
One Direction continúan dando lo mejor de sí en México, donde se encuentra de gira y donde ya han desatado la histeria entre sus fans, tal y como te contábamos ayer. Dos conciertos figuran en el mapa de ruta de los populares chicos y parece que mientras cumplen con sus compromisos se lo están pasando en grande. Harry Styles es uno de los integrantes de One Direction que mejor sabe qué hacer en su tiempo libre y a buena fe que lo está demostrando. El guapo rubio ha aprovechado sus momentos de descanso para salir a la pisicina del hotel y disfrutar del sol mexicano. Eso sí, los otros componentes de One Direction no han estado al lado suyo.
One Direction en la figura de Harry Styles nos está dejando suculentos titulares e imágenes más impactantes. Una de ellas fue hace unas semans la de su beso con una rubia desconocida en una discoteca española. Y ahora, ha querido deleitar a sus 5 millones de seguidores en Twitter luciendo cuerpazo cual modelo profesional.
One Direction, mientras tanto, sigue cumpliendo sobre el escenario. Si bien es cierto que se echa de menos la figura de Zayn Malik en los actos públicos, una vez que los chicos tienen que desempañar su arte ante su público, van todos a una. Especialmente llamativo fue el caso de Niall Horan en el concierto que ofrecieron en Ciudad de México el pasado 8 de mayo. En el habitual espacio de la banda dedicado a responde pregunta se convirtió en auténtico protagonista. A la pregunta de si podía bailar como Shakira, ni corto ni perezoso, el chico cogió dos de globos y se los puso simulando los pechos de la arstista. Por si fuera poco, tal y como podemos ver en el vídeo, nos deleitó con algunos movimientos de cadera.
One Direction, de eso no cabe duda, se están tomando muy en serio su gira por Norteamérica, hasta el punto de que están preparándose físicamente con ejercicio y dieta para dar lo mejor de sí sobre los escenarios. Como hemos podido ver a esta ahora, y como refleja la fotografía que acompaña a esta información, a buena fé que lo están consiguiendo. Seguiremos atentos para ver con qué más nos deleitan los chicos de One Direction en un futuro.
One Direction vuelve a copar la actualidad en Twiter. Aquí repasamos algunos comentarios al respecto de la banda: 'Las fans que estaban en la zona naranja el 09/Junio pudieron ver a One Directionjugando fútbol, y gritaban "mucha ropa, mucha ropa"'. 'Yo es que veo a J.L bailandose una de One Direction en su salón mientras trata de recordar a que hora es el examen'. 'Esta es la portada del "Official One Direction Annual 2014" que saldrá a la venta en septiembre'. 'En el concierto conocí una chica que había venido de Islandia a España solo por One Direction. Eso si que se le llama amor. Además lloraba'.
One Direction acapara muchas más menciones: 'Ha ocurrido. Ha llegado el día en el que no hay TT's de Justin Bieber ni One Direction. Gracias mundo.'. '¡Menuda pillada que le han hecho a @Harry_Styles! Tenemos las fotos que le van a sacar los colores'. '3 de mis fotos con más RTs han sido: Zayne de One Direction, Zócalo lleno con Justin Bieber y la Edecán del debate en calzones '. 'Hay un montón de chicas que tienen una misma foto de One Direction. Y me confundo y pienso que todas son la misma'. 'Si la vida te da mil razones para llorar, demuéstrale a One Direction que son las 5 razones suficientes para sonreír'.
One Direction son mencionados algunas veces más: '09/Junio TMH Tour:Los chicos de One Directionhablaron mucho en español y se mostraron muy emocionados de poder estar en México.'. 'Una fan quiere tomarse una foto con One Direction. Una directioner quiere tomarse foto hasta con la señora que barre el piso del TMHT.'. '¿One Direction? los chicos que me dieron la mano y me levantaron cuando nadie se dió cuenta de que me caía.'. 'Mientras tu dices “los de One Direction son Gays” ellos están disfrutando con miles de chicas a tus pies y a ti ni tu madre te hace caso.'. 'One Direction: Mis angeles sin alas, mis héroes sin capa, mis príncipes sin corona y mis esposos sin anillo.'.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2013


the boys in the conferent of their new frangance "Our MOment"

The site oficial!

The site oficial of fragance of 1D "Our Moment"
You can see more information about the fragance :'D :C

:D a specila of 1D in this page :'3


Me: Yesterday I took a picture with One Direction.
XX: do not believe you want to see.
One Direction on TV.

the sad true of the latin directioners

Lets remenber old times :3

AWWWW :'3 I miss old times D': you do??


Directionator: never will know or 1D Harry never ever accept it ..
You: About to mourn
* AFTER * 2min
Harry: I told 4 times that do not bother my Directioner 4 times ¬ ¬

I'm so proud of them :'D


:'D GOD!


Harry y Gemma: …

Mi hermano Y Yo:




i'm bored xD



My conversation with my boyfriend (okey I don't have a boyfriend :'C)

—Dime algo bonito.
—No, algo dulce.
—No, mejor algo sexy.
—No, algo que quieres.
—Louis sí. 

Tell me something nice.
-No, something sweet.
-No, maybe something sexy.
-No, something you want.

-Louis itself.


OO Yeah!!! zayn is REALYYYY HOT!!!!

NO NEVER!!! e.e

Psychologist: Have you ever fantasized with One Direction?

I fall in love with....HIM

I fall in love with your eyes

I fell in love with her ​​look

From him abnormality

their dances

As plays his guitar

If he cry I will also

His voice

His body

His jump Irish

His cuteness

i fall in love with...............HIM!!!

Our CrazyMofo!!!! :'3


Niall looks like a turro xD (latinas me entiendes ÑÑÑÑ)

hahahaahah xD oooo my NIALL!

One Direction estuvo el 06/Junio en los estudios de The X Factor UK, y Harry le tomo una foto a Niall
One Direction was the 06/Junio ​​in studies of The X Factor UK, and Harry took a picture of Niall

OMG! niall the most from normal

Sorry i can't hear you ._.

Liam: I can not fill arenas. I could not even get people to come to my party of 16.

Say what?

Sorry I can not hear you.

lets sing!!! LA LA LAAAA!!!

Para este día estoy algo aburrida (confesión: me encanta leer y a ustedes?) bueno para acabar el aburrimiento aquí una canción de nuestros amores 1D ;'3

To this day I'm kind of boring (confession: I love reading and you?) to end the boredom here a song of our love 1D; '3


Harry's eye was sprayed with perfume, yesterday at the conference, like him!


WOOOWWW louis playing the pianoo!!! :'D


-Los verdaderos precios del perfumeeeeeee.!


- Does it hurt you?
- What?
- Having to pay to meet you idols and only be 2 seconds with Them.
- Yes.
- But you know what hurts more?
- What?
-Know that for them is a normal day but for us it is the best of our life.

If you want the new fragance of 1D do this....

☼ 1D's perfume can be booked here:

One Direction, Harry Styles surprised

One Direction always leaves us curious information every day. The last one we have in one of your icons, the popular Harry Styles, who was recently caught making out with a blonde in a Spanish nightclub. It is now that the integrande of One Direction, as we can see in the photo above, had an urge everyone that ever happened to us. Harry Styles had to pee in a vegetation zone, juston when least expected. No doubt some curious images in which One Direction member makes it clear that, despite his success on stage, is as human as any.

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

AWWW :3 we are the niall princess *u*

"The bottle has a crown because the fans are my princesses"-Niall

HEHEHE!! e.e simple logic

Hazza SAID That "our Moment" smells like a summer day .. in the summer MAKES ... in the summer the boys sweat ..

Here are some facts about the fragrance; D

- The new fragrance / perfume One Direction is called "Our Moment" and smells like a summer day

- "Our Moment" will be released in the UK on August 25 and in other countries as of September 9.

- NOTICE: In euros, the approximate price of Our Moment is: 46 euros for 100 ml, 35 ml of 50 and 25 the 30 ml.

- The boys were very dedicated to the creation of Our Moment both the aroma, bottle design and packaging.

- In the press conference of the fragrance "Our Moment" the boys said they made the fragrance for a fan they are asked.

- After the release was today 13/06/06 the boys went to the afterparty at a secret location

- Niall talking about the fragrance:
* ---- *


Advancement of the guys next song.
This a little different than the others do not believe XD

1D + OD - Together Against Bullying

More and more boys and girls (especially girls) decide to end their lives because of the bullying that they live not only in their schools but also in the family, the circle of friends, ect. One Directioner makes a campaign against bullying and so took a line of useful against bullying.
TELL NO MORE bullying!

Did You Know ...

DID YOU KNOW: Niall has his personal brand of lemon tea, called: "Niall Horan & One Direction"


Last Minute!!!!

harry's cousin is doing a twitcam!
harry's cousin is doing a twitcam!
GOD GOD GOD!!!! Family styles is very sexy!!
Why my family can't be like his family!! WHYY!!!


girls and boys watch a short video of the conference of the new perfume of 1D


The guys from One Direction return to surprise all fans with great news. And it is expected that apart from their concerts in Mexico and Latin America, a book and his next film, also announced the launch of her new perfume.

Through its official Twitter account, the One Direction were released some pictures of the bottle of her new perfume, Fragrance 1D. The boys worked on the perfume for nearly six months, and it is very certain that the 1D Fragrance will be a success among the directioners.

Cada detalle del envase de la nueva fragancia es simplemente hermoso.
Es como el perfume de una reina
PD: pues obvio somos las princesas de los chicos

and to make matters worse, with the perfume you get a beautiful bag, which I think is very cute.

close view the perfume
very nice if true .....

look at our beautiful boys in his announcement of the new perfume.
they look so cute, they worked hard and I imagine that all directioners mad by the beautiful perfume.

the last look at the fragrance, look at the box that beautiful face of all the guys, i guess it smell awesome.

hahaha LOL, niall playing and promoting the new fragrance from them, do not break it OMG niall
OMG! I almost died..... x.x

Niall Horan wants change our fandom!!!

One of the members of the band One Direction, Niall Horan, was excited so excited to have jumped on his bed and broke, this tweet is filled with responses from directioners anything nice, very perverted specifically, the singer added another tweet saying that we are very perverted and that this was a kind of sexsual tweet telling us this way "CrazyMofos" meaning "crazy bitches" or "crazy perverted"
After this many tweets came saying that he wanted to change the fandom to "CrazyMofos".
The directioners have no problem with this but I feel that after three years niall is crazy to want to change the fandom.
But anyway we will still love and support ......
PS: niall breaker-beds is very violable.
tweet of Nialler: So this is what's holding my mattress up!

One Direction: Work hard to have hot boddies

One Direction are aware that fame costs a price. This was explained by a source that rubs shoulders with the guys. "It's important for kids to be in the best shape possible for those dates. Commanders do not go around with half measures. Spend a lot of time traveling and tend to eat a lot of junk food and play video games too." He told the Daily Mirror , the British tabloid.
One Direction also need external help. This is also recognized source. "His coaches always insist that eating healthier and has also helped that have better catering for their British tour.'s A good move considering the amount of work they have planned for their tour next year." That is something, indeed.
One Direction has the help and collaboration of coaches who always come out to meet Mark Jarvis and Jimmy Wallhead. These days, the two professionals are taking care of valuing physical form in which the guys are, it's nothing bad, judging by the pictures we offer in this information. This could not have arranged an exercise circuit, complete with boxing. In addition, coaches want One Direction to increase their muscle mass.
One Direction are subject to a very rigid daily. He explains the source. "Thanks to the new exercise program and diet [coaches] Mark and Jimmy, the boys are training more. Harry has greatly increased their muscles in the arms and worshiped Liam has gotten the chocolate bar in his abs. Niall, Louis and Zayn have been training with other coaches different and gradually they are getting "settled the matter.