viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Lets Remenber Old Times :D

One Direction bit comply within three years together as a group and opened the memory lane to see how they were before.No waste! On this day, a year ago we could see the guys reliving one of his concerts on TV, when browsing internet. When not in concert, these guys are no longer young stars to become normal.
Or even what was the profession he had chosen Liam Payne, if he had not become a singer.Nothing more and nothing less than a pilot! Or meaybe Firefighter!!!
We also wanted to remember one of his first video, with which they began to succeed. and their first song together!! :'D
The guys of One Direction are still the same front and behind the camera, with their hopes and dreams, and that's what makes them one of the most incredible group music scene. We hope that the successes will continue to accompany.
The directioner (CrazyMofos) worship of them was that we fell in love with the "best band of all time" (well maybe if) but fell in love with the boys of the stairs, remember those good times when one direction was just starting. : D
Awesome times :'3 i can not believe it !!!!! i'm so proud of they

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